Aws Hosting Server Install Mysql

Apr 28, 2016

How to install MySQL on an Amazon EC2 Server Instance?

Being a newbie to server administration especially with Linux, I found myself looking all over the internet on how to install a mysql server instance! Here is what worked for me on the Amazon EC2 instance:

To install a MySQL Server

  1. First step is to of course ssh into the EC2 instance
  2. Then, at a command prompt, use the following command to install MySQL Server:
sudo yum install mysql-server

When you are prompted, type ‘y’.

To start the installed MySQL Server

  1. Start mysql, and configure it to start up automatically on reboot.
sudo chkconfig mysqld on

sudo service mysqld start

You would see a response like the following.

Starting mysqld

Configuring newly installed MySQL Server

  1. To update the password of root user do the following:

         mysqladmin -u root password [your_new_pwd]
  2. To create a database do the following: mysqladmin -u root -p create [your_new_db] When you are prompted for a password, type [your_new_pwd]. Well that’s it. There rest of the MySQL functionality is as usual. For more details on other functionalities please use the MySQL website.

mysql -u root -p

Using MySQL Externally

  1. If you need to access MySQL from another server, then you need to execute these following additional steps. First off, create a MySQL user who can connect from any type of host using the following SQL:
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'theuser'@'localhost'
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'theuser'@'localhost'
    CREATE USER 'theuser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '[your_pwd]'
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'%' identified by “yourpasswordhere”;
  2. Next, from the AWS Management Console find the Security Group that you assigned to your instance during set-up and add ‘MySQL’ to the group. You can also manually add port 3306. Save and whoala ready to go!

Source: Link

Aws Hosting Server Install Mysql | Java Tutorial